Start creating stronger relationships through irresistible membership and loyalty cards.
Help strengthen your brand by implementing effective customer loyalty and membership cards. Our systems are an easy way to track spending habits, give frequent-visitor discounts and award points to turn new visitors into full-time supporters.

Design and produce membership and loyalty cards which can range from basic to sophisticated depending how in-depth you want to get with your program. Here at Metropolitan Data Solutions we can help you successfully implement a program which rewards members and keeps them coming back.
Membership Cards
Create personalized membership cards for your customers
Loyalty Cards
Keep customers coming back by offering personalized loyalty cards
Create personalized membership cards for your customers. With features like photos, seek bar codes, smart card and magnetic stripe,your membership card can be tailored to your needs. Full-color capabilities and the ability to find out valuable customer information will help you be successful through these cards. Also, offering ability to provide access control to certain areas of your facility for members only.
Keep customers coming back by offering personalized loyalty cards. Allow members the ability to earn points, discounts and perks that will keep them faithful members. Loyalty cards help build long lasting relationships and attract new customers. Issue them instantly at the point of sale.