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A comprehensive school safety & operations system that integrates with your school information system.  Increase student accountability and safety, improve campus security and traffic control and enhance administrative reporting and efficiency.

ScholarChip combines turn-key dedicated in-school devices and secure cloud computing.  There’s no servers to purchase or maintain and we wont need to run software because our devices are dedicated all-in-one computers.

ScholarChip reports in real time and its collected data is stored in our highly secure hosted environment via secure web services.

Start knowing who’s in your building and put smart ID cards to work.  Automating almost every process throughout your school we help secure your campus and protect your students.  ScholarChips smart ID card is the key to fully integrated communication between the SIS and SSOS.

Classroom Attendance

Keep accurate in class attendance with the ability also for “seat time”.  Capture classroom attendance automatically.  Students tap their ID on the classroom reader.  Return up to four minutes of instruction time per class period by transferring attendance accountability to the student.  District-wide data improves safety and retention.Highlights problems for early intervention.

Visitor Manager

  • Control and manage visitor traffic to increase student safety and campus security.
  • Simply scan a state-issued ID to log in and verify visitors, volunteers and scheduled workers. You can check district and campus records as well as ScholarChips national sex offender database.
  • Quickly identify anyone that should have limited access or be prohibited from campus.

Large Group Attendance

  • Process arrivals quickly and push data to SIS.
  • Students tap their smart ID card on the attendance kiosk as they begin their day, logging building attendance in seconds.
  • Trigger alerts as students enter the building and automatically record late arrivals and issue tardy passes.

ID Manager Station

  • Create smart photo IDs for an entire district or even a single campus.
  • Each highly secure, encrypted smart ID cards are specific to the individual
  • Students, staff and volunteers are issued smart ID cards that can be deactivated immediately should an ID be lost or stolen.

Behavior Intervention

  • Empower teachers to paperlessly document and manage student behaviors.
  • Parents and administrators stay informed and can quickly address developing behavior problems or reinforce positive behaviors.
  • Interactive, age-appropriate learning modules help students reflect on their actions and potential consequences to promote positive behavior and better choices.

Cafeteria Point-Of-Sale

  • Tap a smart ID to automatically update the student’s account. The user-friendly interface gives your lunchroom attendants the tools they need to process lunch lines quickly and accurately.
  • Processes free and reduced lunch records. Federal and payment industry compliant.

Hallway Monitoring

  • Enhance security and decrease hallway traffic with the ScholarChip Mobile App.
  • Quickly recall and verify a student’s identity, class schedule and attendance record. Check for class cuts and disciplinary actions and send paperless incident details to administration

Door Access

• Protect entrances and access points with role-specific admittance for teachers, students, staff and scheduled workers.
• Manage door access rights from your SIS or management site and enable automated lock down via the web or IVR (Interactive Voice Response).

Bus Attendance

  • Know where and when a student gets on or off a bus. Administrators can act promptly to address behavior or safety issues.  Color coding easily reveals issues.
  • Bus attendance is taken when a student taps their ID on a card reader to record the location and time they entered or left the vehicle.
  • GIS mapping shows where a student tapped their card to board or depart.